BREAKING NEWS FOR THE FUTURE OF ALL YOU CAN EAT CHELSEA… 🤝Welcome to the Lateness is Greatness GXNG! A place where apple juice is consumed with hefty nerd tax applied. The gremlins are out in force each and every season fending off the rivals at home & abroad searching for the “w settings.” You should already know what time it is, but if for some reason you don’t. Then subscribe and you’ll understand in good time…Hairline not guaranteed, terms and conditions apply. Join the Lateness is Greatness Fantasy league here 👇🏽The code: bnuc3e Link to join: the Lateness is Greatness GXNG here 👉🏽 Lateness is Greatness GXNG channel discord here Miz's Channel: (AYCEC NEW HOME 25/26 SZN)'s Channel:’s Official Website:’s Social media accounts MAH's Twitter:'s Instagram:’s Twitch:’s TikTok:————————————————————————————————Videos on YouTube & Streams on Twitch brought to you by the mahcontentcreations team.